Monday, April 02, 2007

lent on loan

I'm taking a miniature Lent break in this week before Easter. For the next seven days I'm giving up humor for Lent. I haven't decided if I can still write humor in the blog or not or if I can still say, "ever see that Simpsons where..." Mostly I'll be getting rid of sarcasm.

It may actually be a nice break. I'm hoping it won't be hard at all. For the past 20 years or so in just about every situation I'm concentrating on thinking of something funny to say. I know a lot of jokey people sometimes just want to "be taken seriously," which is a pretty annoying phrase, so sorry for saying it. Sometimes I'm concerned that I don't take myself seriously. Now maybe I can concentrate on more serious things.

So I'm not going to be telling any jokes from now until this Sunday evening. If something pops up in my head, I'll write it down and totally tell you later.


Maria said...
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Maria said...

Good luck! This week is going to be interesting. I usually look forward to coming home from a crappy day at work and knowing that I'll be laughing hysterically at some point in the evening. I guess I'm going to have to try to be a bit more entertaining to get some laughs in.I think being serious is an important thing sometimes.... I know you can do it! :)

Anonymous said...

This is the saddest blog entry ever. Jon, say it ain't so.

Rhett said...


Seriously? Or is the a big sarcastic joke because you know, lent and all. You aren't Catholic.