Wednesday, July 16, 2008

july xiv, mmviii in pictures

Check out this Facebook album to see many more pictures of this event!

I think this was the run that messed up the pool. Notice the water draining out the left side.

Kristi and Stephanie. One of them came for the slip n' slide. One of them came for the chocolate milk drinking contest.

Pete and I are doing synchronized drinking here. I was worried that I'd be the only one in the chocolate milk drinking contest and I'd have to drink three gallons by myself. Fortunately, with the enthusiasm of the crowd, the pressure was off and I only drank three cups. Alex and Joe tied at a modest five cups.

Their win was not without casualties. Alex and Joe threw-up violently over the course of a good 12-hour period.

For some reason this photo wouldn't upload on Facebook. It's a pretty good overview of the playing field.

Thanks to Pete and whoever else had the camera for all the photos.

Here's video of the "burning of the chaff." For the record, since I stated it before the video started, I only burned a burned cd of Metallica, Alice in Chains and Stone Temple Pilots. Everyone was like, dude, don't you want to keep that? Well, it was all I could find short notice. I was running around all day looking for a stupid slip n' slide and then i had to mow the lawn. No excuse I know, but I just ran out of time by the time I had to have something to burn. Everybody was also asking me if it had to be something negative and I was like whatever. Notice that one of the words that describe the 14th of July is "burning" not "burning for spite." As long as it's flammable or melty, it's an option to burn for the day. Oh yeah, and I also burned last year's Lagoon season pass coupon book.

Thanks to Margie for videoing that.


Maria said...

Looked like a fun time - I didn't see any fast food bags? Did people bring fast food like last year?

joN. said...

strangely no. which is super weird because all we had to eat was chocolate milk.

Steph said...

I thought it was a total success. I just have to remember to find something to burn next year. The chocolate milk was delicious.

SRA said...

Sweet! I may well make the scene next year...chocolate milk drinking and burning stuff are two of my favorite pastimes, after all...