Thursday, September 13, 2007


I just got off the phone with the chiropractic office I've been shrugging off for a month. Instead of just telling them to go away I just said I was really busy. Now I'm at work sorting through different printed cds. Some printed off too red with too little green. I need figure out which ones are passable. I'm colorblind. I haven't seen Rise of the Silver Surfer yet and I predicted that it would be THE movie sequel event of the summer. Maria's been super busy at work. It's getting cold. Last night I found out that my favorite living band that I've never seen live, The White Stripes, have cancelled their upcoming show due to Meg White's acute anxiety. I should have gone to the Muse show to make up for it, but their show was a couple of hours before I found out about the Stripes' shrugging me off.

My life is really really fantastic. But at this very moment I could use some cheering up.

While you're at it, send a positive line to Meg White. She might need it more than I do.


Anonymous said...

I'll cheer you up tomorrow!

J.R. said...

Dude, you're freaking coming to Hawaii! If it will help I can let you watch my copy of Under Blackpool Lights. Also, I have to stay up late even on my days off to maintain a normal sleep pattern so start thinking of PS3 games we can waste our nights playing.

Maker said...

You're going to Hawaii?!
Crud cakes!
I am jealous.


Also, I saw a new xB and the look tuff.
Which version do you like better?


joN. said...

the new xb is absolute suck.

hawaii is first week of october.