Thursday, March 06, 2008

at least itunes approves of us

It took forever, but iTunes finally accepted the J.R. watches Star Trek for the first time podcast. If you enjoy hearing my and J.R.'s and J.R.'s kids' voices, you should really go ahead and hit up our page on iTunes. Also, future live broadcasts of the show will be handled over on the blog page.

For those of you that don't know, my friend J.R. has hated Star Trek for 30 years, but recently decided that he will watch it all. This podcast is simply me helping him cope as he goes through the whole thing. It's not too dead serious. We actually joke around through most of it. If you hate Star Trek you could still listen and have a pretty pleasant time. In fact, hating Star Trek may even help.

Anyway, it's a lot of fun. Everybody should do it. We've already got three episodes in the can in which we talk about the first season of the original series.

So, to sum up:

J.R. watches Star Trek for the first time at iTunes

J.R. watches Star Trek for the first time blog

1 comment:

J.R. said...

I fully intend to check out both the fascinating website and the podcast. Also, I will likely check in on the next live stream. Bravo Jon and J.R. for such an intelligent and insightful look into popular culture and the nerd-jock stratification.