Tuesday, November 25, 2008

how i survived...

Amazingly people are still asking me how the game was. Strangely not everyone heard what happened (or more accurately didn't happen) to me.


Yeah, I know, right? What's up with that. Joe and Beau (hey, that rhymes!) and I were enjoying a wonderful lunch at Charlie Chow's and on the way out I felt my back pocket where I kept the ticket and it was totally gone. I was wearing my corduroy pants with shallow back pockets so it must've fallen out on the way to the restaurant. Either that, or the family of Utes picked my pocket because they didn't want their stadium corrupted by someone who obviously blued himself.

I told everyone that if anyone deserved to lose his ticket, it was me -- since I've been so wanting to sell it for a quick buck. Still, as long it's gone, the buck would have been nice (200 would have been far nicer)

Three quarters would have been pretty fun, but the fourth would have been horrendous, so it was nice to watch on a comfy tv with some other cougars. I'm not saying than I and my friends are older single women on the prowl (at least not all of us). I'm just re-iterating that yes, I am a BYU fan -- even more so than I was in school.


Steph said...

I'm still convinced you lost your ticket on purpose. It conveniently slipped out of your pocket? Come on...

Kristi said...

Cougars. That's funny.

dre said...

This is late, but amazing AD quote. I just "Blued myself"