Ever see the one called "Return of the Archons?" It's pretty good. It's one of my favorites, if I didn't mention that already. Somehow I think I've given the synopsis on my blog or my site before, but hey, here it is again.
The Enterprise is investigating the disappearance of the U.S.S. Archon that disappeared 100 years earlier. I don't know why it took them so long to get around to finding this other ship or how the search would even benefit something that was lost for so long, but give them credit anyway. The ship was last seen around the vicinity of a planet inexplicably inhabited by humans (or maybe they're aliens that the production people at Paramount didn't have the budget to apply makeup to) and the crew checks the place out. The people on this planet do nothing but walk around like zombies, being vaguely pleasant to each other except for during a specific time during the week. This time is known as "The Festival" or "Red Hour." At Red Hour, the clock chimes and the townspeople cease somnambulism and cut directly to unabashed debauchery -- unbridled sexuality, looting, throwing stuff, etc. Eventually Kirk and the crew find that they're in a place similar to that place with the glowing brain in A Wrinkle in Time. The people are controlled, but secretly hope for more "Archons" like the ones from 100 years ago who shook up their backward society, but

I didn't mean to get all this serious.
Anyway, a couple of things were unnecessary, but very welcome. First of all, there was no need to have the original Archons in the story at all. The slight story widening was sort of fun to consider what happened during the events of 100 years ago, though.

People who know me really really well, know why I really love the concept of Red Hour. I always relate it back to my days at BYU. Some would say that BYU is far more controlled and far more soulless than 99% of all other college campuses in the country. But, BYU had a Red Hour in the form of dance classes. The decentest, most conservative people there always took a dance class and it was the one time during the week when co-human full-body rubbing was guaranteed. The Latin and ballroom types were the most depraved. I never took a dance class, but I made observations. I couldn't imagine participating objectively without my own carnal self getting involved. I suppose my pressure valve was breaking all the other rules.
J.R. if you're still doing the Star Trek Netflix thing, let me know when you get to this episode. Also, I want to do a commentary on Star Trek II sometime in the future.
I love it when you talk about ballroom dancing at BYU...seriously
No Star Trek yet. It's next in my que after Twin Peaks season 2. I'm half way through that then Star Trek Season 1 should be on it's way. I'll let you know.
Hey not only do we do the super sexy dancing, our teams constantly win chamionships doing acceptable visual arts erotica.
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